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In some countries cell phone blockers, cellular signal cancellers, RF disruptors or Mobile jammers are illegal for individuals use.


You are solely responsible in finding out whether this product is legal to import, or use in your country of jurisdiction. We will send you the product when you order, however, it is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to secure the required permits and customs requirements when importing. Therefore, we recommend that you obtain advice from a specialist in your country's laws prior to purchase.




All rights of intellectual property www.projammers.com web page as well as the elements contained therein (including, among others, descriptions, images, sounds, audio, video, software or texts in general) belong to Dynamic Forensics Ltd. company incorporated in Hong Kong with business certificate 1852905 addressed in Unit 3709, 37th Floor, Tower II, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong and its affiliates. Public distribution and use is strictly prohibited. In case you want to use any content of the website for commercial purposes, you must obtain permission from the company owners in form of writing. Unauthorized use and distribution will be subject to the applicable penalties under law.